My Music My Art

Monday, December 29, 2014

Playing the notes is not a problem

when it comes to my flugelhorn as a beginner, endurance is. I can still remember the days of practicing keys or guitar when the days aren't always moving forwards as practicing is concerned. There were many a day when taking a step or two backwards one day and one forwards the next was the norm. I always compared it like climbing a long set of stairs and getting to the next level was a long way up. Sometimes ya just have to take a break and catch a breath or two before moving on.

I'm not discouraged because of it as I understand how the process works and experienced enough as a musician to go with the flow. Expecting it to happen did come to me somewhat as a surprise altho deep inside I always knew that it would happen. Yesterday practicing just went down the hill as hitting any note above C5 (3rd space C) seemed impossible. Even tho I had an off day, I did manage to work on timing playing the notes that I could hit. But even that seemed to be fruitless as focusing on the task at hand was just not in the works. It did take a lot of work on my part before I could focus a little better. Wine seemed to help in my favor. Perhaps it helped alleviate some stress due to other aspects in life which allowed me to concentrate a bit more at what I was supposed to be doing. Unfortunately, by the time I was ready to get going my chops were too tired. No it wasn't the wine that got me tired as one glass just isn't going to make it happen. There have been other days where even 3-4 glasses didn't effect me. My problem is endurance, compounded by other factors at my age and I understand that.

I'm not a young kid any longer and have many more issues, mental and physical which effect my playing but as a person that thrives on challenges, I move on. Perhaps today will be much different.

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