My Music My Art

Sunday, June 14, 2015

the letter

Hi sis,

I’m at the house in the Hts sitting on one of the rocking chairs I built for your outdoor table and chair set, writing this letter. They are all completed and I have to admit, they look pretty darn good and comfy.

I’m glad that you’re finally beginning to live a little rather than hiding in the house. There’s a whole world of amazing sites out there yet to be discovered. Not only that but it’s great for the soul. We all need something to do, places to go and things to look forwards to, otherwise we just sit there waiting to die.

My hive situation was over once I figured out what caused it. The culprit was cranberry juice. I noticed the hives come on again immediately after drinking some. I guess I’m allergic to the stuff…bummer. I prefer drinking it rather than other sugary drinks or even pop. Beer or wine is okay but one needs something else every so often. For the last few years, especially during the winter months, when I was drinking more cranberry juice, I began noticing a rash in several locations but never associated them with the juice, perhaps even with cranberries themselves. I love cranberries, especially home made cranberry sauce. It reminds me so much of lingon berries.

The plumbing situation although a bit difficult to muster, was resolved within two days of hard work. I never did dig yet due to all of this rain and heat. I don’t know if my arthritis could have handled it either but there will be a day in the fall where I’m going to have to just do it.

Creativity, whether artistic, musical or other supposedly comes within however, some of us need a kick in the ass every so often to trigger some sort of emotion to get the juices flowing. I find this true for myself especially in the past. For the last couple of years coming to the house here in the Hts and after creating my special area in the basement with natural cedar, colors of red, beige and browns, I find that I tend to feed off the positive energy. I have discovered talents in me I never knew even existed. I’m even contemplating on doing something on canvas. I’ve never done that or even tried but who knows how it’ll turn out. It will be fun to see. It’s hard to believe that I’m pushing 66 and I’m just now discovering new things about myself. I suppose it’s all because of this house.

I have a prospective buyer which I’ve been going around and around with all week. We’re in the process of negotiating the price. I am not looking forwards to selling, because I will not only lose my creative energy flow I absorb from this house, but a place to discover my potential and a place to create. I can’t do any of that at home. Unless I find another creative energy force to draw from, I suppose I will not find my full potential. That being said, I can definitely relate to your situation with art and having the lack of inspiration to do much in that respect. I’ve been lacking the same all week, knowing that everything will be lost, for now. Perhaps you too need a quiet place like mine to draw energy and the creative force to inspire from. Maybe even learn new things about yourself along with talents you never knew existed.

Simple color changes with different wood like cedar may be just what’s needed for that special place. It’s not expensive and the paint can be changed easily enough until you find the combo that works for you. I painted this basement twice to get the feel I wanted. Putting in the wood on the walls in a small area wasn’t rocket science and everything compliments each other, especially with the dark brown trim. For me, I could sit here for hours and the creative juices begin to flow. Not only that but the hassles and everyday B.S. just disappear. I think that as artists we need those natural tones of wood and colors in our every day lives to make us tick better. I know that you have wood in your kitchen and living room area and a new floor. But you have to say to yourself do you really draw energy from those rooms to the point where your creative juices flow daily? If the answer is no, maybe you need to create a place or change the colors in your existing one where you will and even at 68 can discover the hidden talent(s) that are hidden inside. Perhaps looking deep inside and asking yourself, what would make my creative juices flowing? What is it that I really want to see and then going with it is in order! 

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