My Music My Art

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

A Twilight Zone moment perhaps

I was on my trek thru the north woods when I came across a boat launch sign up ahead on the left. I slowed down as I wanted to check it out as I’ve done several times during my trip. Boat launch sites are access sites to either a lake or a river which tells me that it’s a good bet for some really nice landscape photos. The road to the launch site wasn’t really a road but just a narrow path hardly ever used. It was just wide enough for me to get through the thick of the forest. It seemed to me that this was a launch for perhaps canoes only, as the path was a bit rough for anything that had to be hauled on a trailer. There was no way for me to move over if another vehicle came from the direction I was headed for. It seemed to last forever as I slowly moved forward. There were no signs stating how far I had to got and turning around was not an option. Backing out may have been a bit tricky so I had to keep going ahead. I knew that the area had bears, wolves, deer and moose and expected to see some of the wildlife at anytime.

I came to an opening about a quarter of a mile into my drive and then the lake.
a painting of the lake

There wasn’t a traditional boat ramp or parking one would find on most lakes, which confirmed my feeling that this was a canoe launch area. I parked my truck and got out my camera. It was a beautiful spot In the middle of the forest seldom visited. I took several photos and then noticed a young man, perhaps in his mid teens sitting down by the water. I thought that it was odd considering I didn’t see anyone around when I pulled up or when I got out of the truck. There were no other vehicles nor a bicycle around. Perhaps he walked there from the highway.

I walked over to him and said “Isn’t that a beautiful and serene view?”He just sat there staring at the water and didn’t answer. I was going to walk away but something inside of me made me ask him “Are you okay?” He turned his head towards me and mumbled something, something I didn’t understand. I walked over to my truck and grabbed a lawn chair, a sandwich and a bottle of water out of a cooler and sat near him. I asked him if he would like to share a sandwich with me and a bottle of water. Once again he mumbled something which I didn’t understand and then walked over to him and handed him half of my sandwich and a bottle of water. The young man scarfed that thing down like there was no tomorrow. He was hungry. I gave him the other half of my sandwich also. He ate that just as quick and drank the bottle of water.

The young man sat there quietly for a few moments, looked at me, smiled,  got up and said “thanks”. He then walked to the edge of the forest and vanished. I thought to my self and even spoke out loud “that was weird!” I decided to stick around for several more minutes soaking in the view and enjoying the peace, beauty and solitude before heading out to find another launch site and somewhere where I could grab some lunch.

It took me about six hours from where I was to get to my destination. Normally the drive would have only been about two, but I wanted to stop by every access site even if it took me several miles off the beaten track. It was well worth it! When I finally got to my destination for the day, I was able to secure a motel room on the shores of Lake Superior. I was at the top of Keweenaw Peninsula, U.P. Michigan and a matter of a few feet from the water. The view was spectacular even from the room itself as it had large patio doors overlooking the lake.
view of Lake Superior from my motel room
There were chairs just outside and after settling in, I went out with a bottle of chilled wine, taken out of my cooler that was in my truck, a wine glass and sat down. I had brought them along for a special occasion such as this. I poured myself a glass of wine and began to place the bottle on the ground next to me when I heard someone say “yes, it is a beautiful and serene view !  When I picked up my head after placing the bottle of wine on the ground, you wouldn’t believe who I saw standing next to me. It was the young man I met earlier in the woods. He smiled, turned around and walked around the corner. I tried to catch up with him and when I turned the corner of the building all I saw was a couple of ducks walking away.

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