My Music My Art

Friday, July 10, 2015

Okay so let me be perfectly clear

I'm a big believer in that everyone has some forms of hidden talent. The capability to do anything we set out minds to is there, just look for it. Some of us need a little more nurturing while for others, things just come out of no where. For me, it's finding an energy force to draw from that gives me the creativity whether musical, wood working, remodeling or my new found artistic abilities. I've never really painted anything on canvas before nor have I had any form of training. One day, I just decided to see how it might come out.

The last time I did any painting as an art-form was back in grade school. I am not an artist and the painting below was done merely as an experiment for kicks to see what might transpire. I've often wondered what I could do if anything using a paintbrush on canvas. I may pursue this a little more or not. This picture won't give you the effect of what I was striving for. That can be only seen and felt from viewing the actual piece of art or piece of crap. What ever you decide it might be.

Often times we are unable to discover hidden talents simply because we are too busy with out structured lives that society has created. Being on the run to get somewhere or to do something else has become our main focus in life. We don't have enough time to just relax and explore what's available deep inside. Let's face it most lack diversity in their lives.

Ah the old saying " multi talented but master of none ", is the biggest crock of shit I've seen. I've mastered keyboards years ago, recently the guitar and now I'm working towards the goal on flugelhorn. I've found hidden talents that I've begun to explore just in the last couple of years and I'm pushing 66. You might say to yourself, well he's a natural and a talented individual and things just come out easily. Fact is, I suffer from A.D.D. caused by the many concussions I had as a kid. I simply have it under control. Fact, I've always struggled and had to work twice as hard to get anything done. Concentrating on any task at hand has been extremely difficult. Practicing my music and trying to remember anything new, well sometimes it just ain't happenin'.

You too have hidden talents. Take some time out and find them. Find your energy source and discover your hidden self. Energy sources could be a special room or even an object that touches you. An energy source is something that makes you feel good and yet different from normal. It may just inspire you to try something totally different. No I'm not talking about weed or drugs! If it doesn't work out the first time don't worry about it. Have fun with it. My first wood working project was a joke but it developed as I went along. I learned from each one and everyone of the projects got better than the last.

Should I pursue this art thing more, I expect it too to develop more with each new painting.

me holding a painting I created

I call it "A Windy Day by the Shore"

Saturday, July 4, 2015

practice in a corner

I spend a lot of my practice time in a corner. No it's not because I've been a bad boy. Most horn players know the value of facing a corner and practicing towards it. A player can hear himself much better since the sound is bouncing off two walls and right back at your ears. Whether one is working on tone control, scales or just some riffs it is a great place to find out how you are doing without having to record yourself.

Because I spend a lot of time in my corner, I made it a bit more interesting and added a painting on one of the corners. It didn't take a way from what I need to hear while at the same time, I wasn't staring at a blank boring corner. I thought about painting it different colors or even purchasing a mural  just to keep me interested and not get bored staring at the blank corner. Murals are fairly easy to install and the ones I've seen has a sticky back to them...peel and stick. Some have to be installed like wall paper but either way, it'll be a fun area to practice in. If you or someone you might know who is talented with a brush, ask them to paint you something in the corner.

Above is a video showing me playing a short jam in my special corner. The painting is one my sister had painted many years ago when I was learning to play the tenor sax. I found it hidden in the garage of my late parents home behind a fridge. The painting in the video is just one side as there is another on the backside equally good an interesting as the front....or is this the back and the other the front? Oh well what ever!